tirsdag den 30. marts 2010

Gay people. Lay off them!

I HAD to make a post about this. Everyone seems to have an oppinion about gay people (or ANYONE who isn't 100% straight). Some are homophobes. They have this HUGE problem with gays. Mostly guys can even act like the gay people offends them personally, just by being gay, even though they never even met before. Some thinks MORE highly of people for being gay. Maybe they admire their courage to be gay (?), which I wouldn't understand, since, as I understand it, it's something you're born with, not something you choose. Therefore it doesn't really take courage. It takes courage to admit it though, with all the haters out there.

Personally, I couldn't care less if a person was gay. It's a sexual orientation, not a personality. Of course there are always extremes, no matter what the subject is. I DO have a problem with gay guys acting even more feminine than girls for whatever reason. But that's only because it seems so very fake. Same with gay girls (yes, they're also called gay, not just lesbians), acting like guys. And I don't mean that the guys just ain't masculine, and the girls just ain't feminine. As a tomboy I completely understand that. What I don't like is, when they take it to extremes. Wether it's gay people acting more feminine/masculine than the opposite sex, or any other subjects. I just don't like fanaticism of any kind.

But really people seems to think that others sexual orientation is for everyone to judge. Unless OF COURSE they happen to be hetero sexual... It's like if people with brown hair had to dye their hair, to avoid people shouting mean comments at them, or even beating them up. And they had to build up a lot of courage to admit that they had... Brown hair! WOOOOO!

Would that make sense? Uhm no...

And hetero people, especially guys, seems to think that just because another guy is gay, he falls in love with ALL guys. Like his only criteria is that the person has to be male, and breathing. It's not like hetero guys falls in love with EVERYONE that happens to be female. It just makes no sense to me.

In my oppinion, people who has prejudice in any way, wether it's sexism, racism, homophobia etc, can't be very individual people. It seems they just heard someone elses oppinion, and adopted that, without even thinking about it. Wihtout comtemplating wether it actually makes sense or not. And then they just stick with that. And everyone who tries to make them understand that it makes NO sense that EVERYONE who likes their own sex should have a brain disorder, are freaks or whatever they seem to think, just gets a cold shoulder. The person simply won't listen.

I know it seems contradicting that I'm saying that I couldn't care less if someone is gay, and then I make a long topic about it LOL, but that's because I can't stand people who has something against thousands of other people because of something they have no control over.

To me, it's like people are killing each other everywhere. People are starving, even though we could stop all world famine, if everyone who could, gave 2 dollars. Practically everyone is stealing, and people all over the world are destroying themselves.

But NOOOOOOO that doesn't matter. The GAY people is the REAL threat that we should all do everything we can to stop!


Basically, people need to mind their own business. So that girl has brown hair, so that guy is fat, so that girl wears black shoes, so that guy likes to do jigsaw puzzles, so that girl is lesbian.

It's their lifes, it's what they do, have, like or choose. Lay off people. Take care of your own life, and stop trying to ruin others (directed to all prejudice, sexist, racist, homophobic etc people).

3 kommentarer:

  1. Well, I'll be honest with you, I don't really know what to think on this one. It's mainly because, I don't actually know a person that's gay. I've SEEN people that are gay all the time, but I don't actually KNOW anyone that's gay. I don't really think I have a problem with people that are gay, but I WILL say, if a gay girl had a crush on me, I would be pretty creeped out... But you made a good point, with, just because someone's gay doesn't mean they like ALL people of the same gender. But I don't have that much of an opinion about it. With the things going on in America right now, I'm more worried about health care, and abortion...

  2. To me, it's the same as if they were straight. (except of course if they shouted it out constantly, then it's annoying. But that's the same with straight people).

    I just tend to take the side that the majority is against, if the majority has no real reason to be against it. Like the jews. I'm not fighting for gay rights or anything here. I just don't see a reason to hate them, or have something against them, just because they happen to fall in love with their own gender, instead of the opposite.

    Thanks for your input as always!

  3. Mr 13 year old again :P haha..i feel the need to say my name is Happy Days
    I love seeing Gay men, I won't lie. I went to Toronto where they have a sorta 'village' thing full of them. They all seem like the steryotypical ones the TV has showed heh. Mainly beautiful ahaa...
    Alot of straight men have kinda adopted the Stereotype of Gays too, they're called Metrosexuals-and it has nothing to do with sexual orientation rofl
    It does matter to me, well only when guys act like gals and girls act like boys. But that's because that's part of their personality. And I doubt I'd really like to have a butch bff, we'd have nothing in commen. But when it's just like any other girl or guy that's gay, I could care less.
    In the end, people always judge other by appearences and their own world views. A prostitute [in typical prostitue clothing] would be judged harshly on appearences alone,
    just because most of us would think it's wrong. Same with gays and the people that think it's wrong, if they can tell then they judge.
    My friends aunt is against gayness completely, but she was brought up in a time where it was Unheard of. she also taught her own children up to believe that, nothing wrong with that I guess..
    Because of this, some gays keep it a secret. Some go full out in the 'GAY' look; these are looked upon highly because in todays society it's considered Bold. Like a fat guy going topless, taking all the stares that might come his way.

    Bottom line is Change isn't always accepted. A great movie to see that demonstrated is PleasantVille.
